The Oldest Cure in the World
Adventures in the Art and Science of Fasting
An illuminating exploration of the rich and varied history—and myriad health benefits—of fasting.
Wall Street Journal
A remarkable blend of authoritative history, illuminating science, and endearing storytelling.
Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Emperor of All Maladies
[Hendricks’s] levelheaded, irreverent approach and sharp reporting set the book apart. The result is a winning mix.
An engrossing tour de force [that] offers a bona fide strategy for slowing the aging process.
#1 New York Times–bestselling author of The Blue Zones
Steve Hendricks proves to be a master of explaining the multitude of benefits that various kinds of fasting can unleash.
Author of Your Whole Heart Solution
A Wall Street Journal best-of-October-2022 selection.
Longlisted for the Next Big Idea Club.
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A Cure for Long COVID?
An extended essay, published as a free ebook, on the possibility of fasting to reverse long COVID and other post-viral syndromes.
Doctors at the world’s largest fasting clinic recently reported in a peer-reviewed journal that when their patients with long COVID fasted, their symptoms reversed. Steve Hendricks looks at the science of how fasting reverses similar diseases and why it might help post-viral sufferers. He also relates his own harrowing struggle with viral fallout and the fast that, he believes, reversed his symptoms. Download the free ebook here.

The Unquiet Grave
The true saga of how the FBI sabotaged the Indian rights movement of the 1970s and how the battered movement consumed itself.
One of the 100 best books of 2006.
Publishers Weekly
Investigative journalism at its gutsiest, at its noblest . . . Must reading.
Studs Terkel
Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Hope Dies Last
A Kidnapping in Milan
The CIA’s brazen abduction of a radical imam off the streets of Milan and the struggle of an Italian magistrate to bring the American kidnappers to trial.
[A] real-life thriller . . . skillfully crafted, highly disturbing.
Chicago Tribune
One of those rarities: an important story, excellently told.
Jon Lee Anderson
New Yorker correspondent